Walk with a Botanist - FREE

Location Varies


Months of Operation:



Varies (averages 1.5-2 hours)



Age Requirements:

Age 8+

Overview & Highlights

Did you know that the Appalachian Highlands rank among the most biodiverse regions in the country?  From riparian lowlands to high-elevation forests, the Southern Appalachians contain a vast array of plant varieties, all with their own wonderfully unique characteristics, behaviors and histories. In fact, just the Blue Ridge Mountains alone contain over 150 species of trees!

NOLI is pleased to once again offer free guided nature walks led by Botanist Dr. Steven Price. Interaction with the natural world around us is the goal where the quality of the experience is measured by our observations and discussions of the plant life we encounter along the way. Walks vary in length, but most are in the 1-2 mile range and are mild to low moderate in difficulty. But remember, distance isn't the goal and will depend on what we see. Participation requires registration so that 1) we know to expect you and can provide updates as needed, and 2) we limit our group size to maximize everyone's enjoyment while minimizing our footprint. As such, if you are registered and cannot make it, we ask that you let us know as soon as possible so that we can open up spots to others. Walks will go as scheduled unless the weather is expected to be miserable, in which case we will notify you of cancellation or rescheduling. The guide has the right to modify location and distance based on weather and other conditions. Minimum age is 8 years old and minors must be accompanied by parent or guardian. Walks are often added throughout the year so check back regularly to find a day and location that works for you. These walks are very popular and often have a waiting list so please notify us as soon as possible if you are unable to attend so that someone else may participate.

About Steven Price:
Steven C. Price has a bachelor's degree in Botany (1972), a master's in Biology with an emphasis in plant genetics (1975), and a doctorate degree in plant genetics (1980). He has held positions at Standard Oil Company, Iowa State University, University of Wisconsin, and Oklahoma State University as well as various consultancies around the world, including The University of Tennessee. Steve holds eleven Plant Variety Certificates and one patent. In addition, he has published over 40 papers, book chapters, and books on topics ranging from basic plant genetics to technology transfer and research policy. He and his wife are active photographers and have exhibited at art shows and galleries around the country. Steve is currently writing a book on wildflowers of the Rocky Mountains in his spare time.

Schedule for 2024:
  • Mar 1, 9:30 am - 11:30 am - "Walk with a Botanist: Winter Plant ID", Persimmon Ridge Park, Jonesborough, TN.  Learn how to identify trees species in the winter as well as winter/early spring plants that are just starting to emerge. Dr. Price will also touch on the history, geology, and ecology of the area. Persimmon Ridge Park is Jonesborough’s flagship green space featuring over 130 acres of hiking trails. The walk will be 1-2 miles long over mostly flat to rolling terrain. Difficulty is easy to mildly moderate. Bring sturdy footwear and clothing suitable for the conditions. We will meet at Persimmon Ridge main trailhead past the Wetlands Water Park, directions here
  • Mar 15, 9:30 am - 11:30 am - "Walk with a Botanist: Late Winter/Early Spring Plant ID", Winged Deer Park, Johnson City, TN.  Learn how to identify trees species in the winter as well as winter/early spring plants that are just starting to emerge. Dr. Price will also touch on the history, geology, and ecology of the area. Winged Deer Park is a 200-acre park in Johnson City that offers miles of wooded trails as well as access to Boone Lake and other amenities. The walk will be 1-2 miles long over mostly flat to rolling terrain. Difficulty is easy. Bring sturdy footwear and clothing suitable for the conditions. We will meet at the Winged Deer main trailhead, directions here
  • Mar 29, 9:30 am - 11:30 am - "Walk with a Botanist: Early Spring Plants & Wildflowers", Rocky Fork State Park, Flag Pond, TN.  Join Dr. Steven Price for a leisurely stroll learning about the wildflowers and other plants found in Rocky Fork State Park.  Rocky Fork State Park is 2,076 acres of scenic wilderness in Unicoi County, in the southern Appalachian Mountains of East Tennessee. The walk will be 1-2 miles long over mostly flat to rolling terrain. Difficulty is easy to mildly moderate. Bring sturdy footwear and clothing suitable for the conditions. We will meet at the Rocky Fork main parking area, directions here
  • Apr 26, 9 am - 11 am - "Walk with a Botanist: Spring Plants & Wildflowers, Persimmon Ridge Park, Jonesborough, TN.
  • May 17 - TBD

  • Botanist-led nature walk in the Appalachian Highlands region
  • Identification and discussion of local flora
  • Beautiful natural surroundings

Additional Information

  • What to Expect

    • Guided nature walk led by an experienced botanist
    • An open, supportive environment
    • See walk specifics under Overview
  • Prerequisites

    • Age 8+
    • Be able to walk a distance equal to that of the scheduled event and in terrain that both mildly ascends and descends
    • Be in overall good health and fitness with no underlying medical conditions precluding participation
    • Participants should dress appropriately for weather and conditions
  • Includes

    • Guided nature walk
  • What to Bring

    Good hiking shoes, drinking water, proper clothing suitable for the conditions (synthetic, non-cotton layers recommended), day pack (optional)
  • Meeting Location

    Meeting location varies, see walk description in Overview.
  • Additional Information

    Riverside lodging and camping is available at our outpost if needed and can be reserved directly with either USA Raft  or Nolichucky Gorge Campground. Be aware, however, that lodging may be some distance away from the hike location.
  • Testimonials

    "A vast wealth of interesting information Steve shared in such an entertaining way! What a pleasure to learn while using all our senses!  Spectacular! 5 stars! Thanks for all your time, efforts and kindness!"

Policies & Agreements

  • Terms and conditions

    I certify that all registrants meet course prerequisites as defined in the course description, meet the minimum age requirements and do not have any medical conditions or limitations that would prevent their ability to safely participate in the activity.

Upcoming Dates & Availability

Please note: If you're not seeing either a list of upcoming dates or a message showing "no results found," please refresh your page.

Grab your spot today!

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