Stories and Tips for Your Next Adventure

A man with a backpack is standing on top of a mountain overlooking a lake.
By Scott Fisher February 11, 2025
NOLI Survival Instructor Scott Fisher discusses common causes of survival situations and ways to avoid them.
A row of kayaks are lined up on a sandy beach
By NOLI Instructor Deb Briscoe July 2, 2024
Anyone who knows me knows how much I love kayak camping.
A group of men are helping a person on a stretcher in the woods.
By Randy Manuel with Scott Fisher June 12, 2024
NOLI Wilderness First Responder Instructor Randy Manuel makes the case for why those who spend time outdoors should want this training.
A woman with a backpack and hiking poles is standing on top of a grassy hill.
By Michelle Duffourc April 25, 2024
NOLI instructor Michelle Duffourc shares some thoughts on why hiking and backpacking are so special and how they have shaped her life. There's more to it than you might think.
Adam's tips for injury recovery.
December 14, 2023
On the one year anniversary of his near-fatal accident, NOLI Kayak Instructor Adam Herzog shares tips for recovery.
A river surrounded by rocks and trees on a cloudy day
By Adam Herzog November 28, 2023
NOLI Kayak Instructor Adam Herzog shares a few thoughts on how to handle the word that paddlers hate most: Drought
A person in a kayak is going down a waterfall.
By Adam Herzog October 30, 2023
Veteran racer Adam Herzog shares ways to beat the crowds at one of whitewater's greatest spectacles.
A man is sitting in a yellow kayak in a river holding a paddle.
By Adam Herzog and Scott Fisher August 16, 2023
The following report was originally published by the American Alpine Club in January 2023 .
A person is paddling a red kayak down a river.
By Brad Eldridge July 12, 2023
What makes whitewater kayaking such a blast? Read on to find out.
A group of people are paddling kayaks on a lake.
By Rob Schoborg June 28, 2023
It was a nearly perfect morning on the Washington state Pacific coast. My wife (Michelle) and I had a delicious breakfast, broke down camp, loaded our rented tandem kayak, and paddled down the sheltered bay that bisects Stewart Island. Along with our guide, Annie, we ran with the tide and a light southwesterly breeze to make the three-mile open water crossing to Henry Island. As we crossed in the 2-foot swells, we were just cruising, enjoying the warmth of the sun, and gazing toward the horizon hoping for our first orca sighting of the trip. Once we passed west of the tip of Henry Island, we headed south a bit and our guide signaled that we would take a break in a field of bull kelp. Thickets of bull kelp make an ideal resting place for sea kayakers because the kelp floats, which are round and 3 to 8 inches across, protrude from the water and break up the momentum of the waves. We stopped for a few minutes, bobbing up and down with the swell, occasionally chatting but mostly taking sips from our water bottles. Over the sound of waves and calling birds, Michelle heard a distant noise. It sounded like a cry for help – or was it a gull? We listened for a few seconds when another, more distinct yell rang out. For an instant we all hesitated, trying to determine the direction of the cries. From our vantage point low to the water, all we could see was dark bull kelp floats scattered across the ocean’s surface. It sounded like the panicked calls were coming from somewhere between us and the shoreline, so we sprinted southeast through the kelp patch toward shore. After we broke through the offshore kelp forest, we spotted two small dark objects on the surface alongside something that looked like a partially submerged log. As the distance closed, the larger object resolved into a flooded green aluminum canoe. The smaller ones were two middle school age boys struggling to reenter the water-filled boat. Every time they tried to enter; the boat would flip. As we neared, they quit trying to enter their boat. Instead, they hung onto the hull of the now inverted canoe and stared quietly as we approached. Michelle and I coasted up on the right side, leaving about a 5-foot gap between our tandem and the canoe, just in case the boys panicked and tried to climb on the deck of our boat before we were prepared. Caution is necessary in a situation like this because a panicking victim can easily capsize a would-be rescuer’s boat - leaving more people in the water. Annie coasted up a similar distance on the left side of the flooded craft. Our first evaluation was that the boys had been in the water for at least fifteen minutes. They were shivering, minimally responsive, and their movements were clumsy. After quickly weighing the options and their condition, we agreed that we could get them out of the water and warm them up more quickly by towing them to shore than by attempting to get the boys back into their boat. We then instructed the closest victim to grab the left perimeter line behind the rear cockpit of our tandem. At first, he refused because he did not want to release the cell phone in his right hand. The impasse was broken when Annie slid her boat up on his left side and convinced him to hand the phone to her. The other boy was similarly coaxed to grab the left stern perimeter line of Annie’s boat. We then started toward shore in the direction of the nearest cottage. When we had closed to within 75 yards of the house, a man came out onto the shore, saw us towing the boys, launched a tandem sit on top kayak, and headed out toward us. The boys, who were shaking with cold, were handed life vests and then hauled aboard the sit on top kayak by their father, while we stabilized the boat. As the reunited family headed back toward shore, we recovered the flooded canoe and towed it to shore. After this brief but adrenaline-filled detour, we continued our journey southwards down the Haro Straight, skirting the shore of Henry Island.
A sunset over a lush green forest with trees covered in fog.
By Scott Fisher April 11, 2023
By Scott Fisher In 1971, a 17 year-old girl was flying with her mother on Lansa Flight 508 when it was struck by lightning and...
A man and a woman are sitting on a rock overlooking a river and mountains.
By Scott Fisher February 2, 2023
by Scott Fisher It's hard to believe but we're just a few short weeks away from kicking off our 2023 season here at NOLI. And, if you're...
A man with a beard is standing at a podium talking into a microphone.
By Andrea White January 27, 2023
At the January Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting, staff from the TWRA Fisheries Division reviewed the Tennessee trotline...
A woman is speaking into a microphone while sitting at a table with other people.
By Andrea White and Daniel Rogers on behalf of ACA Tennessee December 4, 2022
December 3, 2022 By Andrea White and Daniel Rogers on behalf of ACA Tennessee If you would like a 2 minute read, please click on these...
A hammock with a tarp and a backpack hanging from it in the woods.
By NOLI instructor Deb Briscoe October 24, 2022
By NOLI instructor Deb Briscoe I’ve had many revelations through my journey as a once-upon-a-time tent camper to a current hammock...
A group of people with backpacks are walking down a path in the woods.
By NOLI instructor Minta Ray October 12, 2022
by NOLI instructor Minta Ray As temperatures drop and colors change from the lush green of summer to the patchwork quilt of fall, it’s...
A bunch of fishing gear including a bag that says trotline
By Scott Fisher September 6, 2022
Over Memorial Day weekend in 2021 I was leading a kayak instructor class on the lower Nolichucky River, a popular section of river widely...
A man is holding a fishing rod and looking at his phone.
By Andrea White September 4, 2022
__________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________...
A man in a kayak is standing in front of a waterfall.
By NOLI instructor Debbie Briscoe June 21, 2022
by NOLI instructor Debbie Briscoe Are you the kind of person who wants to find a place far away from the crowds and the sound of cars? I...
A person is cooking food in a dutch oven over a campfire.
By Debbie Briscoe, NOLI Instructor May 4, 2022
By Debbie Briscoe, NOLI Instructor Originally published Mar 2019, updated May 2022 In all my years of being an outdoor person I’ve met a...
A man is paddling an orange kayak down a river.
By Scott Fisher March 1, 2022
It’s hard to believe that this is our fifth year bringing outdoor education and activities to the region since our start in 2018. Over...
A group of people standing in front of a sign that says noi.
By Daniel Rogers President of the West Tennessee Canoe & Kayak Club Assistant District Attorney General, 28th Judicial District of Tennessee Level 2 ACA River Kayaking instructor Lifelong Fisherman February 20, 2022
By Daniel Rogers President of the West Tennessee Canoe & Kayak Club Assistant District Attorney General, 28th Judicial District of...
A close up of a newspaper article that says ' trotline dispute leads to criminal charges '
By Andrea White November 8, 2021
Chattanooga Times Free Press, November 8, 2021
A johnson city press article about trotlines need regulation
By Andrea White October 29, 2021
1. Charlie Walbridge, Johnson City Press, October 29, 2021 2. Kingsport TimesNews, OpEd & CALL FOR LETTERS, October 13, 2021 3. Charlie...
The tennessee fish and wildlife commission meeting is taking place on october 22 , 2021.
By Andrea White, ACA Tennessee State Director, Director of Marketing for NOLI October 29, 2021
By Andrea White, ACA Tennessee State Director, Director of Marketing for NOLI On October 22, 2021, I made a pilgrimage to West Tennessee...
A newspaper article about a bma meeting focuses on town events
By Andrea White October 14, 2021
As published in The Erwin Record, Wednesday, October 13, 2021 It includes the first hand account of David Pope, a professional first...
A tennessee wildlife agency patch on a person 's arm
By Andrea White October 5, 2021
Why is Scott Fisher Facing Criminal Charges for Removing a Potentially Lethal Hazard on the Nolichucky River? Over Memorial Day weekend,...
A green and black kayak is floating on top of a river.
By NOLI Instructor Brad Eldridge April 13, 2021
by NOLI Instructor Brad Eldridge A kayaking friend told me a terrible story today about a time when he found a body in the river. I won’t...
A man and a woman are sitting on a rock overlooking a river and mountains.
By Scott Fisher February 14, 2021
by Scott Fisher It's hard to believe but we're just a few short weeks away from kicking off our 2021 season here at NOLI. And, if you're...
A person with a backpack is walking up a hill.
By NOLI Instructor Kayla Carter October 30, 2020
by NOLI Instructor Kayla Carter It’s exciting to think that more people are connecting with public lands during the COVID-19 pandemic....
A close up of a plant growing out of the ground
By NOLI Founder Scott Fisher October 12, 2020
By NOLI Founder Scott Fisher October is Conservation Month at NOLI. Actually, we like to think of every month as conservation month at...
A woman with a backpack is standing next to a lake.
By NOLI Backpacking Instructor Joy Cook June 23, 2020
By NOLI Backpacking Instructor Joy Cook Social distancing has been a reality for all of us now for quite some time, and looks like that...
A group of people in kayaks are standing on the shore of a river.
By NOLI Founder Scott Fisher June 1, 2020
by NOLI Founder Scott Fisher I'm certainly not telling you anything that you don't know already when I say this has been an interesting...
A man is climbing up a rock wall in the woods.
By Golder Goldstein April 3, 2020
By Golder Goldstein Outdoor recreation comes with a certain yet variable amounts of inherent risk. If we wanted to make the safest...
A man is standing next to a river in the woods.
By Wesley Bradley August 17, 2019
by Wesley Bradley Whitewater is a natural force that captivates the minds of many when witnessing its raw power and beauty. This
A man in a kayak is standing in front of a waterfall.
By Debbie Briscoe August 2, 2019
by Debbie Briscoe Are you the kind of person who wants to find a place far away from the crowds and the sound of cars? I am. I love...
A person is standing next to a hammock in the woods.
By Debbie Briscoe June 7, 2019
by Debbie Briscoe You’ve been seeing them everywhere, brightly colored fabric hammocks in every store and also seeing them strung up in...
a man is holding a paddle and a backpack in the woods
By NOLI instructor Brad Eldridge May 8, 2019
by NOLI instructor Brad Eldridge While it is possible to stay active throughout the winter, for most people winter activity levels tend...
A person is cooking food in a dutch oven over a campfire.
By Debbie Briscoe, NOLI Instructor March 29, 2019
By Debbie Briscoe, NOLI Instructor Originally published Mar 2019, updated Oct 2020 In all my years of being an outdoor person I’ve met a...
A man is riding a green tube through the snow while holding a shovel.
By Bill Schooley February 21, 2019
by Bill Schooley Face it: when winter rolls around, most of us cut back on boating. What with holiday parties, shopping and ice on the...
An album cover for nollchucky wild & scenic
By Wesley Bradley, NOLI Instructor December 1, 2018
by Wesley Bradley, NOLI Instructor Did you know that only 0.35% of the rivers in the USA are protected under the Wild and Scenic Rivers...
A man is standing on a rocky shore of a river holding a paddle.
By Brad Eldridge, NOLI Instructor November 9, 2018
by Brad Eldridge, NOLI instructor During a person’s paddling career, there are many things to consider: how to stay safe, have fun,...
A waterfall is surrounded by trees and rocks in the middle of a forest.
By Jerry Smith September 27, 2018
It was a cool autumn day in 2017. My wife, Becca, and I were headed out for a hike into the Twisting Falls Gorge of the Elk River. We often take short day hikes alone.
A black truck with a blue kayak in the bed is parked at a gas station.
By Viki Austin, NOLI canoe instructor September 10, 2018
The other day, I was on my way to do some whitewater boat riding and stopped to get some gas. I noticed someone staring at the big plastic blue boat in the back of my truck.
A man in a red jacket is paddling a yellow kayak.
By Brad Eldridge August 21, 2018
Kayaking is like riding a bike. One of the essential skills is balance, and staying upright. Once this skill is mastered additional techniques and tricks can continually be added to increase skill, difficulty of rivers paddled, and FUN!
Two men are standing in front of a noli outdoor learning institute sign.
By Scott Fisher May 13, 2018
Welcome to NOLI, The Nolichucky Outdoor Learning Institute! Open for business on the beautiful Nolichucky River in Northeastern Tennessee.
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